You really cant beat the speed of a DK withdrawal.......Just a few minutes ago I requested a decent amt of funds
It was less than 90 seconds from the time i hit withdraw to the time I got an email from PP stating funds recd.
The PP email actually came faster than the confirmation email from DK
The other day my GF wanted to go do something but I wanted to watch a basketball game .
I said let’s watch this basketball game .
Gonna put $350
If Arizona covers the -9 we go to Ruth’s Chris .
We watched it . She was totally into it .Zona won last second
Went to DK made a $350 request .
30 seconds later it was in PP and 30 seconds after that it was in my bank account .
went to the ATM made a $350 withdraw . Brought the cash .
ate at Ruth’s Cris .
Meal was about $280
Put the entire $350 in the payment folder .
Waiter got about a $70 tip
I watched rhe game and ate for free